A journey to Alaska, Iceland, Chile and Peru to document glaciological research expeditions and sustainability.
Parallels of ecological impacts of climate change in Arctic and Andean regions are revealed on glaciological research expeditions in Chile, Alaska, Iceland and Peru. Cresta Alta follows the commitment of scientists who travel deep into the wilderness to gather field data that informs our collective understanding of climate change impacts on our planet. Sustainability initiatives in these same locations offer insight into the potential for viable alternatives and solutions.
The Cresta Alta Film Tour is engaging audiences throughout the US with arts councils, colleges, high schools and museums at events produced by The Risan Project. The 2025 tour features Risan Media's expedition-based climate change documentary film titled, Cresta Alta, that chronicles a journey to Alaska, Iceland, Chile and Peru to document glaciological research expeditions and sustainability. The screenings are followed by a Risan Studies Q&A with environmental filmmaker and socially-conscious musician, Todd Anders Johnson, who studied development issues at the University of Washington. With a foundational perspective that more sustainable policies are imperative and that there are effective renewable and sustainable options to employ regionally, nationally and globally, Todd has dedicated himself to the arts in creating entertaining and educational film, music and events.
As students across the nation face an uncertain future in educational opportunities with reduced funding resources paired with the deconstruction of environmental and climate science organizations, the Cresta Alta Film Tour is a timely forum of entertainment and education focused on the practical applications of climate change scientific research, renewable energy, and sustainability initiatives.
The film features Danish glaciologist, Dr. Sebastian Mernild, sharing how his research in the Andes was funded by the Chilean National Science Foundation and also showcases how a USAID-funded program in Huaraz, Peru, aims to use bio-remediation to clean river water of heavy metals that is occurring due to deglaciation. These expeditions and their findings highlight the efficacy of scientific organizational programs and the need for continued research funding. These salient discussion topics are now being explored in our post-film screening Q&As with students who are trying to find gravity in this changing educational environment.
You can support the Cresta Alta Film Tour at the Risan Brands Store to help to expand the reach of our climate change and sustainability documentary film.
Explore the Cresta Alta Deck for a concise representation of the Cresta Alta Film and the National Film Tour.
Dr. Sebastian H. Mernild is head of SDU Climate Cluster at the University of Southern Denmark and a professor in climate change and glaciology. From 2020-2022 he was pro-rector at SDU and also affiliated (20%) with University of Bergen (Geophysical Institute) as a professor. Mernild is also an IPCC (International Panel on Climate Change) lead author. In 2018, Mernild won the Rosenkjær Prize and was nominated Dane of the Year, and in 2019, he was included in Kraks Blå Bog.
Mernild worked in the US for seven years at the International Arctic Research Center, University of Alaska Fairbanks (2006-2009), and at Los Alamos National Laboratory in New Mexico (2009-2013), and three years as senior research scientist/research leader at Centro de Estudios Científicos (CECs) in Valdivia, Chile (2013-2016). Further, he worked in Norway from 2016-2020 as full professor in Climate Change and Glaciology, and as Director of the Nansen Center (NERSC) in Bergen. After 15 years abroad he returned to Denmark in 2020.
For the past 25 years, Dr. Matt Nolan has specialized in understanding the impacts of climate change on the landscape of Alaska and he developed fodar to facilitate that. He received an MS in Arctic Engineering at UAA in 1992, a PhD in Geophysics from UAF in 1998, and has been a research professor at UAF/INE since 1999. He has led dozens of field projects during that time, largely using equipment he built or techniques he developed to better understand our landscape and changes to it. No single investigator has acquired or made more topographic maps of Alaska than Dr Nolan, starting in 2000 with the first airborne IfSAR data in Alaska including the entire Kuparuk River basin and the largest mountain passes in Alaska to time-series of enormous lidar collections in the eastern Brooks Range to his own fodar mapping.
Dr. Rachel Chisolm received her PhD in Environmental and Water Resources Engineering at the Center for Research in Water Resources at the University of Texas at Austin. She received a B.S in Physics and Engineering from Washington and Lee University and an M.S. in Environmental and Water Resources Engineering from the University of Texas at Austin. Ms. Chisolm has been studying the impact of climate change on emerging glacial lakes in the Cordillera Blanca, Peru, and the water resources implications of glacial retreat on water supply and the risk of glacial lake outburst floods.
Dr. Tómas Jóhannesson is the glaciological research group leader at the Icelandic Meteorological Office in Reykjavík. He received a Ph.D. in geophysics from the University of Washington with a glaciological field of study. His focus areas are climate and environment, climate change, studies in snow avalanches and natural hazards, geophysical modeling and data processing, hazard zoning for snow avalanches and landslides, snow avalanche protection measures, snow avalanche forecasting and glacier/lidar mapping.
Dr. Guðfinna Th Aðalgeirsdóttir is a professor in glaciology and is faculty of earth sciences at the
University of Iceland. She conducts scientific research in glaciology with a focus on the interaction of climate and ice sheets. She also studies past, present and future evolution of glaciers and ice sheets, ice dynamics, ice sheet modeling, isostatic rebound and sea level rise. She is also working on coupling of ice sheet models with global and regional climate models. She is the author/co-author of 45 peer-reviewed papers, h-index 23 (total of 1884 citations Dec 2020).
Todd Anders Johnson is an environmental filmmaker, socially-conscious musician and educator and independently produced Cresta Alta. With the Risan Brands family of companies, Todd merges his passions for the environment, the arts, cannabis and outdoor recreation. Todd studied development issues at the University of Washington. With a foundational perspective that more sustainable policies are imperative and that there are effective renewable and sustainable options to employ regionally, nationally and globally, Todd has dedicated himself to the arts in creating entertaining and educational film, music and events. Todd’s passions for exploring big mountains brought him from Vermont to Seattle and then Alaska, where his first of many tours and expeditions began throughout the glaciated state. Todd now lives with his family high in the mountains of Colorado.
Thank you Vermont, for the meaningful conversations with students and community members and the acknowledgment that the Cresta Alta film tour can be a forum for building community around the issues of climate change adaption and the promises of renewable energy and sustainability.
A must see for not just environmentalists but anyone that cares about the future and how melting glaciers will impact those that live near and far from them. Very well done movie, will see it again if able!
Stacey Bond Shinske
I just read a very quick summary and we need more of what Todd is promoting with this research and this film! I am definitely going to look into this more tomorrow. Amazing work. We need this type of awareness now more than ever.
Lorri Greenwood
We had a chance to watch it over the weekend and really enjoyed it. It is striking to think about how much of this research may be affected by the current restrictions on funding and the USAID closure. So much important work...
NEWPORT — Environmental filmmaker and musician Todd Anders Johnson, who attended North Country Union High School, will return to Newport as part of a statewide documentary film tour from March 17-23.
Johnson’s film, Cresta Alta, is a climate change and sustainability documentary showcasing glaciological research expeditions in Alaska, Iceland, Chile, and Peru. The film highlights parallels between ecological impacts of climate change in Arctic and Andean regions, focusing on scientists dedicated to gathering crucial field data.
Telluride’s Palm Arts is thrilled to present producer/director Todd Anders Johnson’s impactful documentary on glacial melting. The screening will be followed by a discussion and Q&A with Todd that connects Cresta Alta’s global environmental messaging to local and regional environmental movements.
Friends of the Union Meeting Hall, Ferrisburgh would like to invite members, employees, family and friends of your group to a special screening of Cresta Alta, an inspiring documentary about climate change, sustainability, and the science behind our rapidly changing world. The screening will take place this Friday at 7:00 PM at the Ferrisburgh Town Hall, and we’re thrilled that the film’s producer, Todd Johnson, will be present for a Q&A after the showing.
A documentary made by a filmmaker with Vermont roots is wrapping up its tour here in the state. The film, “Cresta Alta,” chronicles a journey to Alaska, Iceland, Chile, and Peru to document research expeditions on glaciers. The screening starts at 4 p.m. at Montpelier’s Savoy Theater. Tickets are $20.
The Cresta Alta Film Tour is engaging audiences throughout the US with arts councils, colleges, high schools and museums at events produced by The Risan Project. The 2025 tour features Risan Media's expedition-based climate change documentary film titled, Cresta Alta, that chronicles a journey to Alaska, Iceland, Chile and Peru to document glaciological research expeditions and sustainability. The screenings are followed by a discussion/Q&A with producer and director, Todd Anders Johnson, that connects Cresta Alta's global environmental messaging to local and regional environmental movements.
‘Cresta Alta’ documentary
Friday, March 21, 7 p.m.
The expedition-based, climate-change documentary film “Cresta Alta,” chronicling a journey to Alaska, Iceland, Chile and Peru to document glaciological research expeditions and sustainability, will be shown at the Ferrisburgh Town Hall. Also, the documentary “Northward,” which tells of the socially-conscious, Colorado band Salem touring while backcountry snowboarding in Alaska. The screenings will be followed by a discussion with producer and director, Todd Anders Johnson
This March, join us in the Hazen Union gymnasium on a journey deep into the wilderness of Alaska, Iceland, Chile, and Peru.
The public is invited to an impactful film screening of two films: Cresta Alta and Northward, as well as a discussion and Q&A with producer and director, Todd Anders Johnson. The event will be held Thursday, March 20, from 5:30-7 p.m., in the Hazen Union gymnasium in Hardwick, VT. Admission is by donation benefiting The Civic Standard’s local flood relief initiatives.
The "Cresta Alta Film Tour" will make a stop in Ferrisburgh on its multi-state tour. The Tour features Risan Media's expedition-based climate change documentary film titled, "Cresta Alta", that chronicles a journey to Alaska, Iceland, Chile and Peru to document glaciological research expeditions and sustainability.
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